Monday 5 September 2011

My new Colorplus shirt…

Till date I have always been wearing a Louis Phillipe or a Zodiac shirt probably because I never dared to look further. Since the time I have got a new Colorplus shirt I have become a fan of this not only because of the design but also the fabric used. It is so comfortable, probably the next best thing to nude. The fabric is so soft that I do not even need to iron it before wearing. It is a shade of blue which is also my favourite colour. The day I wore it to office I got a lot of Compliments. Some of them are:
“Nice colour”, “Nice shirt”
“Nice shirt. Which brand is it?”
One from my own boss: “Saurabh, you are wearing a nice Colorplus shirt”
I wear my favourite shirts on Fridays to office. Since this shirt has a casual touch to it. I will be wearing this for the next few Fridays”. So this will be my Friday shirt for the next few weeks. I think I am a convert now and my next few purchases will definitely have a Colorplus in it.

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