Wednesday 31 August 2011

Bright Tone at Dull Work

Today has been one of those rare days when you feel so different that it feels distinguished, positive or negative?? Well, its controversial. I realized what impact the outlook of a person creates on his surroundings and how the aura swiftly breaks open. Today, I wore a yellow stripped ColorPlus shirt to work which made me a little apprehensive at first as I have never been a big fan of bright attire at office.

The same doorman of my office building who would generally hold the door blindly assuming an entering ghost, was firm in attention and later grinned. State #1 i.e. confused I was.
As I was moving in up the elevator with mixed feelings, I was being scanned and smiled at by the fellow travelers. State #2 -Elevated confusion was taking over.

The front desk lady, Florence, was all in smiles and voiced "nice shirt" as I smiled through the bio-metrics. State #3 - 'So-far-so-good'.

I was a bit late to office only to realize that the mock fire-drill was about to begin. The siren echoed and all of us jokingly started to rush out the emergency exit. Down the stairs, I could hear people shouting,"Help, Vivek's already on fire". At the gathering downstairs, I had to actually collect a lot of 'nice shirt's. State #4 - Confidence resurrection.

Our lunch sessions are more of mockery sessions and less about meals. I was wondering if I would be the target because of my different attire. It turned out to be true. Sanjay and Puneet laughed their asses off which made me a really conscious. I was instantly upside-down in my mind and kept wondering if I was really out of place and all the compliments were fake. I thought it was totally a bad decision to put on this shirt and cursed my experimentative instincts. State #5 - Dawn of shame and/or devastation (confusion again).

It's said that rumors spread like fire and bad news with the speed of light. When I logged back at my workspace, there were few message alerts at the office messenger. I thought the light had already travelled and my heart could not stop thumping. I reluctantly viewed those messages only to find a few more compliments. State #6 - Stupefied + Mystified + Perplexed !

That was all. No further reactions, raised eye-brows and it suddenly seemed that I was wearing this shirt for ages and people had gotten used to seeing me like this.

Conclusion: An under-confident bright tone makes a dull workplace duller! At such a workplace, compliments blended with cynicism are served in cold-blood.

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